Sunday, October 17, 2010

motor Dijual Kawasaki Athlete 2010 Bln 7

Rp. 11 jt
Location : Jakarta D.K.I.
Date : 16 Oktober 2010

Jual : dijual kawasaki athlete 2010 bln 7
Tanggal: 16/10/2010 0:09:30
Condition: Masih seperti baru
Harga: Rp. 11.000.000 Bisa Nego
Oleh: ant3ony
Lokasi: jakarta,Jakarta D. K.I.
Mau jual motor athlete dengan spesifikasi sbb: 1. Tahun 2010 bulan 7 2. Warna merah-hitam 3. Km baru 700an 4. Mulus dan tidak pernah jatuh 5. Barang ada di joglo - pondok indah 6. Berminat hub Toni 087878980699.

English Translation »

For Sale 2010 Kawasaki Athlete Month 7

Price : Rp. 11.00 mil.
Item :
Seller :Penjual (seller) : Jakarta D.K.I..

For Sale: Kawasaki Athlete 2010 sold 7 months
Date: 16/10/2010 12:09:30
Condition: Still like new
Price: Rp. Can 11 million Nego
By: ant3ony
Location: Jakarta, Jakarta, D. KI
Want to sell motor athlete with the following specifications: 1. The year 2010 month 7 2. Red-black color 3. Km of new 700an 4. Smooth and never fall 5. Printed in joglo - beautiful cottage 6. Interested hub Toni 087 878 980 699.

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Tips, before negotiating with sellers

  1. Before doing any contact to the seller, compare to other Kawasaki (ninja) ads that match your search criteria. Compare price, location, model, and year of manufacturing. Be sure that the motorcycle you're interested is the best suited you.
  2. Check the seller. Find out whether the seller is a trustworthy seller. Make sure that the ads you're interested in is not a scam.
  3. If your making an appointment, always at public space. Or at least pick a place that is accessible by many people. This will be safer for you.
  4. Check item's condition throughly. Watch carefully whether there's any mark or scratch from some sort of accident or collision.
  5. Validate item's paper to local authority. Kawasaki, especially Ninja model, is a very popular motorcycle. So there is possibility that the motor you're interested in is a stolen or perhaps a fake model.